• We only put excellent wines in single serve cans;

    Our wines are specifically made to be extraordinarily food friendly - all of them have structure, acidity, depth, and a long finish - nothing crushable here;

    Our limited serving size is the truest option for a single glass of wine, helping us all ensure we can have an incredible glass of wine without requiring a giant pour.

  • Absolutely. That’s why Oona Wine exists. In short, there have been incredible advances in can, can liner, and canning technologies in the past decade that now enable us to can and preserve excellent wines in peak condition. Doing this well is both an art and a science, and Oona is very fortunate to be working with pioneers on both ends of the spectrum.

  • We are so lucky to be working with family owned, sustainable, and innovative wine growers and makers in wine growing regions around the world. These relationships have been struck up over years of travel and exploration.

  • We just started to roll this out, with a few select partners. If you are a proprietor looking to stock our wines, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via hello@oonawine.com - we’d love to talk!

  • Of course you can! Drop us a line via hello@oonawine.com, and we’ll ensure your next event is fully stocked!

  • You must be 21 years of age or older to purchase Oona’s wines.

  • Yes! Our wines are all sustainably made. What “sustainable” means is up for debate across geographies, so we opt for the simplest, most honest definition: our wines are made with great consideration of and care for the environment, limiting waste, additives, and carbon footprints at every step of the process.

  • Your order will ship via UPS Ground, with most orders being delivered within 2 days of shipping.

  • Please email us via hello@oonawine.com - operators are standing by to ensure your wine arrives immediately and without issue.

  • Given the consumable nature of our products, we do not offer returns, exchanges, or refunds for any reason. All sales are final.